Prohibited firewood information:
ATTENTION!Firewood may contain non-native insects and plant diseases. Bringing firewood into New Hampshire from other areas can accidentally spread damaging insects and diseases that will threaten the health of our forests. Once infestation occurs, control of these pests involves drastic measures, including complete removal of all trees (infested or otherwise) in the affected and surrounding areas. The emerald ash borer and the Asian longhorned beetle are two insects that can be easily spread in firewood. Firewood can look normal, but still be infested with the immature stage of these insects. Don’t assume wood is safe just because you don’t see adult insects! BUY LOCAL FIREWOOD!For more information please contact the New Hampshire Division of Forests and Lands, Forest Protection Bureau – Forest Health Section, PO Box 1856, Concord, NH 03302 at (603)271-7858. Visit us on the web at: For more information about the Emerald Ash Borer: See our New Hampshire Camping Guide.